It looks like the year 2019 is a BIG ONE. In so many ways. Let me
tell you.
Right before Independence Day 2019 it will have been seven years
since my family, including me, moved to the United States. SEVEN years. In the
mysterious life of mine, and so many others, seven year cycle is an important
and meaningful period of time that marks change, renewal and (self-)reflection.
That is how it has always been for me. As many of you also have been reminded
(not that I have been complaining too much, right?) that I just had a big
birthday, which really didn't go as planned, yet I survived. I'm not saying
that I feel old, but I am experiencing that this life of mine has brought me so
much more understanding and maybe even wisdom, but it sure has introduced me to
some stiffness, longer recovery time and funny hormonal changes. But let's not
get too deep into that this time.

I need the change to stay alive! That's the truth, so I'm happy to
be in the beginning of a new cycle. I am creating a new, better, less
sustainable way of living and working. It will include some self-reflection,
but even more recilience and perseverance towards me and my own ways. I know
what I'm doing and I will learn to do it in a less wearing way. My inner
turmoil and learning process will have some effects to my clients: I will
upgrade my skillset this year and raise my rates next year. I will bring more
ease to my work, lessen the pressure I have taught myself to use and be more
perceptive to my clients needs. That will not work for some of you, so I truly
won't mind if you decide to find an another therapist (I will recommend one for
you if needed).
I need to do this for me, to keep learning, to find the passion
that was lost for awhile. I want to keep some variety in my work (like
extremely interesting neuropathy work and frozen shoulder protocol), but my
style of working will definitely lighten up and have more and more pieces of
Ortho-Bionomy. Some of you won't experience any changes since I already have
changed some pieces of my protocol, some of you will experience the big shift
in their treatment plan, an all this happens because I can't physically keep
working the way I have been past years. I just can't!
With my new style there's going to be some days that nothing seems
to be working, and there will a lot of explaining what I do. It's actually
pretty funny; I need to talk myself through some pieces where I usually tend to
start pushing and forcing the tissues, verbalizing seems to help me keep
focused at this point of learning process. Feel free to tell me if you need
your relaxing time on my table to be quiet. I promise to do my best.
I will definitely explain more later, there is so much to learn! I
feel like my whole belief system needs to be changed in a way. But nothing will
change, that's the beauty of this treatment. I will always do my best to help
you in your issues and aches. This is Kata's Way and that means
Balanced is Painless. Let's make it painless for me too!
See you in July, I'm off to Finland for a month.
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