We are getting to the end of this pretty interesting year. I feel incredibly lucky and blessed because I, and my family, am well and in good spirits. I won't take it for granted.
I have been able to work pretty much through the whole year and so has my husband; again this is not granted in these circumstances. I have enhanced strict cleaning and disinfecting routines and so far I think it has helped me to stay free of the covid19. But there is never a certainty! I have been tested only once during the year, in the beginning of November, and got a negative test result. I am doing everything I can to keep the things the way they are. Here're my current protocols:
- I have at least 30 mins between clients so I have time to disinfect the surfaces, face rest and the bathroom between client
-I wash the sheets, towels, face rests and blankets after each and every use
-I disinfect doorknobs between clients-I only see clients that I know; NOT TAKING NEW CLIENTS at the moment
-I allow even 1 hour cancellation policy if my clients get any symptoms
-I wear a mask all the time
-I check my temperature daily and isolate myself if I have any doubt or have met more that 10 people at the same time
-I do NOT normally visit anywhere else than grocery store, postal office or drive through coffee houses.
If you know me, you also know that avoiding coffee houses is definitely the hardest thing for me. But I have been strong!
All the above means that I am seeing less clients than normal, but don't worry, I am also teaching more Finnish. That means that I have made commitments to keep teaching on 2021. Which means that most weeks I am available for massaging only 3 days a week. And that means restricted hours for you. Please look ahead and make your appointments early if possible.
My goals for 2021 are to stay healthy, keep working and reach the first step of credentials in Ortho-Bionomy. I appreciate each and everyone of you, especially at these times of unknown.
Let's stay focused and balanced: balanced in painless and that is Kata's Way.